
How Advisors Can Streamline Retirement Planning for Clients

Financial advisors play a pivotal role in providing comprehensive financial services to their clients with a focus on building a secure financial future. Intrinsically, the advisor’s responsibility includes a significant measure of retirement planning, which inevitably involves determining how the client should contribute to and manage their workplace retirement account.

Historically, managing workplace retirement plan assets has been complex and time-consuming at best, or risky and unprofitable at worst. Future Capital was created to solve this challenge by empowering advisors with an efficient platform to seamlessly manage workplace retirement plan assets on behalf of their clients.

Streamlined Retirement Planning: Enabling Truly Holistic Financial Services

Future Capital understands the significance of empowering financial advisors to deliver truly holistic financial services with retirement planning built into their investment strategies. Designed as a comprehensive retirement management solution, Future Capital equips advisors with the tools, support, and efficiency to effortlessly manage workplace retirement plan assets. With this solution in hand, advisors can confidently align their clients' retirement plans with their broader financial goals, strengthening and protecting relationships, and making their clients’ financial journeys more successful and fulfilling.

Efficient Management of Workplace Retirement Plan Assets  

Managing workplace retirement plan assets has been a longstanding challenge for advisors due to the specialized regulations, intricate processes, and time-consuming manual efforts involved. Fortunately, Future Capital's user-friendly interface and automated features significantly reduce administrative burdens, allowing advisors to concentrate on delivering personalized service and focused financial advice to their clients.

By leveraging Future Capital's platform, advisors can save valuable time on routine tasks, such as tracking portfolio allocations and conducting regular reviews of retirement plans. This efficiency creates more opportunities for advisors to engage with their clients, discussing their unique financial aspirations, and strategizing personalized retirement solutions that cater to their individual needs.

Seamless Integration with Advisor Practices  

One of the key advantages of Future Capital's comprehensive retirement management solution lies in its seamless integration with the advisor’s existing business practices. The platform acts as an extension of the advisor’s core business. The onboarding process for new clients is straightforward and streamlined, providing them with a no-cost Retirement Analysis and an opportunity to sign up for managed account services without unnecessary delays or manual paperwork.

Moreover, the platform's capability to pull data from workplace retirement plans' fund lineups and create tradeable portfolios automatically simplifies the management of client assets. Advisors no longer need to navigate through complex administrative procedures to access plan information, update portfolios, or rebalance accounts. Future Capital's technology handles these tasks efficiently, giving advisors the freedom to focus on more critical aspects of client relationship-building and providing tailored financial guidance.

Tailored Support for Advisors and Clients  

Future Capital has established a dedicated team of professionals to assist advisors and their clients throughout their retirement journeys. Advisors receive robust support in setup, rollout, and promotion of their new retirement managed account services, as well as guidance regarding general differences between workplace retirement account assets and differences specific to certain plans or fund lineups. Moreover, Future Capital has proven to identify additional investable assets outside the advisor’s current purview that the client can choose to refer to the advisor for management.

For clients, having access to a team of professionals who can address their questions, offer relevant suggestions, and ensure that their retirement accounts are managed in line with their individual circumstances is invaluable. This personalized support enhances the client experience, fostering a deeper sense of trust between advisors and their clients. With Future Capital's dedicated team by their side, advisors can rest assured that they have the resources and expertise needed to meet the evolving needs of their clients and provide exceptional service as the worlds of traditional wealth and retirement planning converge.

Real-World Retirement Management Scenarios for Advisors

To better illustrate the impact of Future Capital's solution, let's consider real-world scenarios where advisors can successfully utilize the platform to navigate significant life events with their clients.

Mary and John: Simplifying Retirement After Marriage

Mary and John recently married and approached their financial advisor, Sarah, for guidance in harmonizing their financial goals and planning for retirement together. Sarah used Future Capital's Retirement Analysis Tool to easily generate a financial assessment of Mary and John's individual finances, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. This analysis helped Sarah to recommend a joint retirement plan, accounting for their shared retirement goals and lifestyle expectations. Mary and John agreed with Sarah’s recommendation and signed up for Future Capital’s services.

Sarah then utilized Future Capital's automated allocation recommendations to develop a diversified investment strategy that aligned with Mary and John's risk tolerance and financial aspirations. As they progressed through their marital journey, Future Capital's platform allowed Sarah to easily adjust their retirement projections and investment portfolios to reflect any changes in their circumstances or goals.  

Mike: Rebuilding Financial Security After Divorce

After a challenging divorce, Mike sought the expertise of his financial advisor, James, to rebuild his financial security and plan for a stable retirement. Using Future Capital's solution, James easily conducted a fresh evaluation of Mike's 401(k) and new financial situation, considering assets, liabilities, and any potential obligations arising from the divorce settlement.

By reassessing Mike's retirement goals and adjusting both his 401(k) account and traditional investment portfolios to align with his revised financial reality, James provided personalized guidance to help Mike rebuild his retirement savings and regain financial stability. Future Capital's platform enabled James to formulate rebuilding strategies, which involved increasing contributions to retirement accounts and exploring additional income sources to secure Mike's financial future.

Lisa and Mark: Balancing Financial Responsibilities with Children

Lisa and Mark were delighted with the arrival of their first child, but concerned about balancing their financial responsibilities towards their child's future education and their own retirement. After a discussion of potential primary, secondary, and college education costs, their financial advisor, Alex, utilized Future Capital's platform to adjust their savings strategies to incorporate these new projected expenses.

By integrating college funding plans into Lisa and Mark's overall retirement plans, Alex ensured that their financial resources were allocated efficiently, allowing them to meet both their children's educational needs and their own retirement goals. Future Capital's platform provided Alex with efficient management of Lisa and Mark’s 401(k) portfolios, allowing him to explore various savings vehicles specifically designed for education expenses to help Lisa and Mark achieve a harmonious balance between their financial responsibilities and a confident retirement.  

Expanding Knowledge and Enhancing Retirement Strategies

Regulatory compliance is crucial for advisors to provide top-quality retirement planning services. As a registered investment advisor, Future Capital provides the advisor with options regarding fiduciary or co-fiduciary responsibility, as well as confidence that all actions regarding their clients’ workplace retirement accounts are performed in a compliant fashion, and always in their clients’ best interests.  

Future Capital also offers educational support, helping advisors stay up-to-date with emerging retirement trends and evolving strategies particular to 401(k) and defined contribution plans. This knowledge empowers advisors to navigate complex retirement landscapes, adapt their approaches, and deliver tailored solutions to clients with confidence.  

Solutions for the Convergence of Wealth and Retirement

As large financial firms acquire tools to advise both traditional wealth assets and workplace retirement accounts, advisors must diversify and strengthen their existing relationships with clients by expanding services. Future Capital's comprehensive retirement management solution revolutionizes the way financial advisors approach retirement planning as part of their core businesses. By streamlining processes, enabling efficient management of workplace retirement plan assets, and offering personalized support, Future Capital empowers advisors to compete and win at the convergence of wealth and retirement by delivering the truly holistic financial services that their clients want and need.